I learned that really quickly not too long ago. I was removing pages from a clip art book with my brand new X-acto knife and I BARELY (and I am not kidding when I say barely) poked the palm of my hand with the tip. Oh my god did it sting and it bled a good bit too! The funny thing is, I am not know for my graceful movement - hence why my husband will call me "Grace" lol. I know I am a clutz, and yet I still bought the X-acto knife *weg*. I guess I am in denial hehheeh.
I am working on a new kit and some various goodies - and I promise that I will post previews and samples here for you - but in the meantime, here is a lonely piece of paper looking for a nice home to be scrapped in.
I will have the template available that I used for the pattern in the near future as well, so if that's something you are interested in, keep your eyes peeled!
::Download Here::
Please be aware that this download is through yousendit, so it's only good for 7 days and 100 downloads (whichever happens first lol).
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