Sunday, October 01, 2006

Can you beleive it??

I am hosting my very FIRST crop this Thursday night! I've posted a copy of the ad below for anyone who might be interested. I'd love to see you there - break me in, will ya???

You KNOW you have an addiction.

You want so many of the shiny pretty scrappy things you see in the shops.

But what do you do when you get them "home" to your hard drive??

This Thursday night I am embarking on my "maiden voyage" as a crop hostess - that's right, I've NEVER done this before! I want to meet up with scrappers like myself who sometimes get stymied when they have a kit to work with - how do you take that first step in creating the LO that will say what YOU want it to?

Come and "break me in" at my first Crop this Thursday, October 5th, 9:00pm - 10:00 est in our Chat Room!

This week's featured kit is my "Autumn Apples" kit that's brand new THIS week! You can grab it for 50% off using our Grand Opening coupon (coupon code DCS17GO) - that's an entire kit for $2.21!

Just for attending the crop - which will be about "Fall-ing for you" - scrapping your favorite Autumn/Fall memories - you will receive an exclusive attendance gift that coordinates with the Autumn Apples kit. Use this attendance bonus and/or the Autumn Apples kit to create a LO that describes one thing you love about this time of the year, post it in the designated gallery (more information on that to come!) by 12:00 midnight EST, Thursday, October 12, 2006, and you will receive another exclusive add-on to the kit! That's two freebies - how can you beat that?

Here's where you can take a peek at the crop add-on prizes for this week:
Attendance Bonus
Posting Bonus

Feel free to post any questions concerning the Crop in this thread - I'll be happy to get you whatever information you need!

Hope to see you there!


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