Sunday, July 30, 2006

Hot enough for you?

Every time I hear that question I just want to reach over and bitchslap the person that says it!! Obviously if it's hot enough for some fool to ask that moronic question, then it's DEFINITELY hot enough for me to be more than a little edgy.

I don't know what it is, but extreme heat (more so than the cold) seems to make people more spacey, short tempered, and given to saying (and doing) things that anyone with an ounce of common sense would know is a really bad idea. I'm no exception to this *weg*

My DH and I went out to run errands yesterday and found ourselves at 'Wally World' (WalMart), which is my least favorite place simply because there seems to be an abundance of people there who will look you straight in the eye and stop dead in front of something you are trying to look at. We were looking at a display of DVD's, and this family of several adults with toddlers stop RIGHT in front of us and begin looking at the very same display! One of them turned around and looked my DH right in the eye (as he was craning his neck around them to still see), and turned back around to look at the DVD's at their leisure. It was all I could do not to tap her on the shoulder and say, "Please, no hurry, whenever YOU'RE done, we'll get back to looking at the DVD's."

If that wasn't bad enough, I heard and saw no less than three sets of parents with kids allowing them to run wild, be loud, and yell at them because they didn't like what they were being told. Holy hell, if myself or one of my sisters had done that when we were kids, we would have been punished without blinking an eye. I don't have kids of my own, but I HAVE done 'long term rentals' (otherwise known as guardianship), taught sunday school (Yeah, I a church...and it didn't implode on me!), and I can tell you that it's becoming more and more apparent to me that in a lot of cases, kids run their households; parents are just a figurehead. It's so sad....

And now that you've put up with my crazy ranting (definitely because of the heat and humidity here), I have a little goodie for you! I was playing around with alternate alpha type sets, and since I am a music freak, thought this was an appropriate start:-)

::Download Here::

I would love to hear from you if you download any of the goodies on this blog - tell me how you're using them! I love to see the different directions people's creativity goes in!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Never Say Never

Well, here I am.

I've visited blogs. I've even left a comment or two. I've NEVER considered actually publishing my own. I couldn't possibly have anything to say that you'd want to read - could I? Doesn't matter really; You are going to get the pleasure of my rambling anyhow :-). If you don't find my sense of humor (sarcastic, silly AND dry all in one shot), or my subject matter appealing, no worries; I won't be insulted. Variety is the 'spice of life' and I'd really hate to think that there wasn't at least one person who disagreed or couldn't relate to me. That's why I really like people who tend to think outside of the box - because frankly, it's awfully dark in there!

Alright, figured I'd provide you with a freebie brush set for scrapping, tagging, etc. formatted for photoshop. However, if you aren't a PS user, I also included the PNG files for you. Here's a preview of the set:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

::Download Here::